Time doesn’t heal all wounds.

Time doesn’t heal all wounds.

Time doesn’t heal all wounds. It’s what you do with the time.
3 things that are helping me process pain as I’m walking through a healing and recovery process:
1. Journaling.
Silence only makes the noise within the mind that much louder. We have to get it out!
Write it all down. Your thoughts. Your pains. Your struggles. Your questions. Your praises.
2. Say it out loud.
Talk to God, yourself and trustworthy friends. When we confess our sins to God He cleanses us and when we confess to others, healing begins within us.
3. Be open to different perspectives.
How we frame the circumstance matters. Personally, I’ve been prone to unhealthy attachments throughout my adulthood. This has caused me to not have a solid understanding of who I am as an individual because I’ve based my entire existence on the presence of another human.
When that attachment was severed, I felt overwhelmed by the “feelings” of loneliness, when in fact, I was experiencing the “feeling” of freedom.
All I’m trying to say is that whatever it is that you are looking for, you will find.
If you’re looking for negatives, you’ll find negative things.
If you’re looking for positives, you’ll find positive things.
Fix your focus. - Philippians 4:8
Original entry - March 3rd, 2023
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