There is Hope. Even Here.
The same confusion, frustration and depravity that I witnessed firsthand during 2022-2023 is about to be experienced by countless others in the Church as the Lord is exposing those who are compromised within His Priesthood.
When your “Pastor” gets exposed, falls or decides to leave the faith it’s traumatic and traumatic experiences are the litmus test of true life change.
Faith that isn’t tested isn’t real faith, and the same can be said for lives that are “changed”.
But in the wake of betrayal and disappointment, and after a year of self-inflicted degradation, the Lord reached down from Heaven, and broke the chains and shackles that I, myself, had returned to.
When I QUIT, there were withdrawals.
But when I was DELIVERED, there was worship.
It wasn’t a psychosomatic emotional stirring by a pretty song with situationally applicable lyrics. My heart of stone was replaced with a heart of flesh. A new Spirit was placed within me; a willing Spirit. (Ezekiel 36:26)
If you’re currently walking through something similar and your heart is heavy and broken and are considering turning back to where you came from, DON’T DO IT.
Don’t do what I did. I know it’s tempting to turn back but numbing the pain only extends the discomfort and the shame that will latch on to you will make you wish you were dead.
Reach out. Look up. Get into the secret place. This is not where it ends and God has not forsaken you. There is hope, even here.
Love you